Guía Repsol

Guia Repsol is a renowned Spanish travel guide that offers recommendations for restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions across Spain. With the rise of digital platforms and changing user preferences, the company aimed to revamp its digital presence to enhance user experience and engagement.

We designed, built and launched an evolution of Factorial's Reporting tool to cover any need that may arise for our customers. Based on fully scalable and adaptable Business Intelligence, we built a new reporting engine that can calculate any type of operation. With the new engine, the new SQL Editor, and the new Dashboard Manager, we are able to take the use of reports to a whole new level.


1. Context

The project's objective was clear: to overhaul Guía Repsol and all its platforms. Recognizing the need for change, our client sought to revitalize both content and presentation, understanding that Guía's survival depended on its evolution.

The primary challenge in the initial phase was leveraging existing research from another consultancy. We used this as a foundation, extracting insights to identify Guía's key asset: its rich heritage and the memories it evokes for users. Building on this, we conceived a collaborative tool to inspire users in planning short trips and getaways within the national area. This tool prioritizes each channel and device for every phase of the trip, accompanying users before, during, and after their journey.


2. Process

Research and Analysis
Conducted user research through surveys, interviews, and analytics to understand user needs, pain points, and preferences. Analyzed competitor platforms and industry trends to identify best practices and opportunities for improvement.

Concept Development
Brainstormed ideas and concepts based on research insights, focusing on enhancing usability, visual appeal, and personalization. Developed wireframes and prototypes to visualize key features and user flows.


Design iteration
Collaborated with stakeholders and gathered feedback on initial designs. Iterated on designs based on feedback, ensuring alignment with brand guidelines and business objectives. Prioritized features and content based on user value and feasibility.

Visual design
Created a clean and modern visual design that reflects the brand identity while incorporating contemporary design trends. Utilized high-quality imagery, typography, and color schemes to evoke the essence of Spanish culture and heritage.


Content strategy
Curated and optimized content to provide relevant and engaging information for travelers. Implemented a robust content management system to streamline content creation, curation, and localization for different regions and languages.

Testing and optimization
Conducted usability testing and gathered feedback from beta users to identify usability issues and areas for improvement. Implemented iterative improvements based on user feedback and performance metrics.

3. Key features

  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilized machine learning algorithms to analyze user preferences and behavior to provide personalized recommendations for restaurants, hotels, and attractions.
  • Interactive Maps: Integrated interactive maps with geolocation functionality to help users explore nearby attractions and plan their itinerary.
  • User Reviews and Ratings: Enabled users to contribute reviews and ratings, fostering a sense of community and trust among travelers.
  • Multimedia Content: Enriched the platform with high-quality photos, videos, and virtual tours to provide immersive experiences and inspire travel.
  • Responsive Design: Ensured seamless user experience across devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, through responsive design principles.

4. Results

  • Increased user engagement and retention rates, with users spending more time on the platform and returning for future travel planning.

  • Positive feedback from users regarding the improved usability, visual appeal, and personalized recommendations.

  • Enhanced brand perception and competitiveness in the digital travel guide market.

  • Improved conversion rates for partner establishments through increased visibility and bookings.

© 2024 Manel Abella

© 2024 Manel Abella