

Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social is the spanish national public insurance system. We designed its ecosystem of websites and tools for every collective under their umbrella: autonomous workers, domestic workers and citizens.

We designed, built and launched an evolution of Factorial's Reporting tool to cover any need that may arise for our customers. Based on fully scalable and adaptable Business Intelligence, we built a new reporting engine that can calculate any type of operation. With the new engine, the new SQL Editor, and the new Dashboard Manager, we are able to take the use of reports to a whole new level.


1. Context

The initial plan entailed designing, building, and releasing three distinct websites (for every segment), beginning with the most tricky one. However, suspicions arose regarding the efficacy of this segmentation. Over a span of three months, we dedicated ourselves to thorough research, engaging with public agencies to converse with users. We conducted numerous surveys and hosted focus groups involving domestic employees, employers, self-employed individuals, and entrepreneurs. Through this process, we discovered that our potential users did not align with the profiles envisioned by our stakeholders.


We proposed a new project approach: consolidating all necessary functions into a single website, serving as a comprehensive platform for users' interactions with the public organization. This included a personalized space housing their data and information. This shift affected budget, timeline, and, importantly, user experience.


After establishing and refining the information architecture, we concurrently mapped out user journeys and flows, conceptualizing both the public-facing and private sections, which were previously non-existent. Our initial focus was on the most complex process: registration for domestic employees and employers.

Recognizing the prevalence of mobile usage, particularly among domestic employees lacking access to computers, we prioritized mobile-first design. Swiftly, we crafted and tested a prototype of the registration process to ensure alignment with users' mental models and to verify the logical sequencing of steps.


Through iterative design, testing, and refinement, we honed the registration process to be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible. Simultaneously, we progressed with the design of both the public-facing and personal user areas in parallel streams.

With a better understanding of performance, organizations can optimize their operations, spot opportunities and achieve more sustainable growth.

© 2024 Manel Abella

© 2024 Manel Abella